I joined Gurudeva’s Academy only for four weekends. In these 8 days there has been a lot of positive changes in my personality. I am very thankful to Sinha sir for his guidance and motivation which I am sure I would have not got from anywhere. I equally thank all the staff members (Pragya Mam, Dhanshree Mam, Arpita Mam, Ajay Sir, Bharti Mam, Ajit Sir & Rahul Sir) for their hard work and making me strong candidate for S.S.B. All my minor mistakes were noticed and corrected, got very good environment to practice GD and G.T.O and got very important tips for TAT,WAT,& S.R.T. I am hopeful I will get recommended and I wish many more students from this institute get recommended and fulfill their dream and Sinha sir’s dream. As he always say that “Your dream is my dream.